
Singapore Hosts 38th Meeting of the ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) will host the 38th Meeting of the ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group (MTWG) from 21 to 23 August 2019. This meeting is part of Singapore’s two-year Chairmanship of the working group from 2018 to 2019. The chairmanship of the MTWG is rotated amongst ASEAN Member States on a biennial basis.
At the 38th MTWG, the 10 ASEAN Member States renewed their commitment to enhance regional cooperation on issues such as the establishment of the ASEAN Single Shipping Market, developing the roll-on/roll-off (RO-RO) shipping network, and strengthening navigational safety and protection of the marine environment through effective implementation of global shipping regulations from the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 
During his opening address at the 38th MTWG, Mr Calvin Phua, Deputy Secretary (Hub Strategy), Ministry of Transport, commended the MTWG’s efforts to enhance maritime connectivity and promote safe and sustainable shipping in the region. He encouraged ASEAN Member States, together with its dialogue partners, industry and international organisations such as the IMO, to continue building capacity in the region and embrace technological innovations to further develop the ASEAN maritime transport sector. He also expressed his appreciation to the ASEAN Member States, various partners and the IMO for their strong support and valuable contributions.
The MTWG is the principal coordinating and implementing arm of the ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (STOM) that advances maritime transport related programmes, projects and activities under the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan 2016-2025 (KLTSP) aimed at enhancing regional economic integration. Since the adoption of the KLTSP 2016-2025, the MTWG has concluded several key initiatives including: (a) the ASEAN Memorandum of Understanding on the Improvement of Safety Standards and Inspection for Non-Convention Ships with ASEAN Member States; (b) Guidelines for Safety Standards for Non-Convention Ships; (c) ASEAN Search and Rescue Operation Procedures; (d) ASEAN Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan; and (e) Framework of Cooperation on Certification of Competency for Near Coastal Voyages issued by ASEAN Member States.  

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