
Global Maritime Administrators attend the 8th MPLP in SG

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s (MPA) training arm – MPA Academy (MPAA) – and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), are jointly organising the 8th Maritime Public Leaders’ Programme (MPLP) from 12 to 16 November 2018. Supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Singapore Cooperation Programme, the executive programme has trained close to 160 senior maritime officials from over 70 countries since 2011. 
For the first time, two representatives from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are attending the MPLP under the enhanced training package launched in April 2018 for the IMO and its member states. Executives from Ecuador, Honduras, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and United Arab Emirates are also attending the programme for the first time. 
The MPLP covers a holistic range of topics, including shipping economics, maritime governance, management strategy and planning, and contemporary issues on ports and shipping. Participants will be exposed to a wide range of issues that reflect principal areas of specialisation in the maritime profession. Besides attending classroom sessions conducted with industry experts and prominent maritime leaders, participants will also visit key maritime facilities such as the PSA container terminal.  
Dr Carlo Elisca S. Cerome, Director of Planning and Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre – Search and Rescue Coordinator, Service Maritime et de Navigation d’ Haiti (SEMANAH), said, “One of the main reasons that made me sign up for the 8th MPLP is the opportunity to meet other maritime and port authority leaders and industry experts to network, exchange professional views, and explore opportunities for cooperation. I anticipate that after the 8th MPLP, fellow participants would be able to better approach any challenges and crises. I believe that the visits to the maritime facilities and Port of Singapore will provide new insights which I can share with my colleague upon returning to Haiti.”
Additionally, participants will attend the Asia Pacific Port Services Network Port Connectivity Forum. The Forum is an international platform for networking, and for sharing of best practices and ideas amongst Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies’ port authorities, terminal operators and maritime industry players.
Mr Shyhdurdy Gurbanov, Head of Technical Development Department, State Service of Maritime and River Transportation of Turkmenistan, said, “On top of being able to meet and exchange best practices with my counterparts from various maritime administrations and network with representatives from the maritime industry, the MPLP will also be useful for me to gain knowledge of new technologies that could be applied to better develop and enhance manpower capability in my country.” 
Mr Andrew Tan, Chief Executive of MPA, said, “The MPLP is one of the MPAA’s flagship programmes for training maritime leaders, and is now in its 8th year. With the many changes impacting the industry, strong and visionary leadership will be essential to tackle the challenges ahead. Managing change in a complex environment will be a key theme for the participants.” 

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