
Boardroom shuffle at Peak Re

Peak Re, a Hong Kong-based global insurer, has announced that Mr Li Tao has been appointed as chairman of the board of directors, Ms Chen Kaihong takes up the post of executive director and Ms Yuan Xi becomes non-executive director, all with effect from 27 July 2018.
Mr. Li, an existing non-executive director of Peak Re, is the vice president at Fosun International Limited and chief executive of Fosun Insurance Group. Prior to joining Fosun International, he held several senior positions at China Taiping Insurance Group.
Ms. Chen serves as the chief financial officer of Peak Re, overseeing the company’s financial and operational management. Ms. Chen has more than 18 years’ of accounting and financial experience in both the insurance and reinsurance industry. Prior to joining Peak Re, she held several senior positions at insurance organisations including Lloyd’s Beijing representative office and Swiss Re.
Ms. Yuan serves as the chief financial officer of the Fosun Insurance Group. She has extensive knowledge and experience in the insurance and reinsurance sectors, specialising in actuarial and risk management. Prior to joining Fosun International, she held several senior positions in various insurance and reinsurance companies.
In addition to the above changes, effective from 27 July 2018, Mr. Guo Guangchang, chairman of Fosun International, resigned as non-executive director of Peak Re, and Mr Wang Qunbin resigned as chairman of the Board but remains as non-executive director and a Board Committee member of Peak Re. Mr. Guo and Mr. Wang will increase their focus on the strategic direction, development of major projects and new business opportunities of Fosun International.
The new Board of Directors is led by Mr Li Tao (chairman), and Mr. Franz Josef Hahn (vice- chairman), and includes Ms Chen Kaihong, Ms Kang Lan, Mr. Wang Qunbin, Ms Yuan Xi, Mr Monish Kant Dutt (Independent non-executive director), Mr Stephen Bernard Roder
Mr Franz Josef Hahn, chief executive officer of Peak Re, said: “After completing the first five years of successful operations at Peak Re, it is now an appropriate time to implement a major change in the Board of Directors. On behalf of the Board, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr Guo who provided great support to Peak Re as non-executive director. Since the inception of Peak Re, he has been willing to listen to new ideas with an open mind. I truly appreciate and am grateful for Mr Guo’s foresight and courage to back the start of Peak Re and increasingly entrust more responsibilities to our Board of Directors and Peak Re’s management, following the success of the past few years.
I would also like to thank Mr Wang Qunbin, who made a great contribution to Peak Re as chairman of the Board during his tenure of service at the Board in the past.
With the new appointments, I am glad to have Vincent (Li Tao) as chairman of the Board and delighted to welcome Cathy (Chen Kaihong) becoming executive director and Cynthia (Yuan Xi) joining as non-executive director. They are now members of our various Board Committees too. I am confident that their presence on the Board will support Peak Re in its drive to provide innovative and forward-looking reinsurance solutions for customers across the regions.”

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