
Shipping bulletins on August 1,2018

1.The Maritime Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on MARPOL Annex VI from 1 September 2018 and ending 30 November 2018.
2.The outgoing secretary general of the International Chamber of Shipping,Peter Hinchliffe and his heir apparent, Guy Platten were in a tour of Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore,aiming to offer feedback to ICS in London as to the most appropriate location for its mooted Asian presence.Guy Platten will take on the role of ICS secretary general on 1 August 2018 when Peter Hinchliffe steps down.
3.On July 26, Jiangnan Shipbuilding started the construction of CMA CGM’s 22,000 TEU boxships, which were ordered in September 2017. The ships will be 400 meters in length and 61.3 meters in width, while their engines will use LNG.
4.Hong Kong's Orient Overseas Container Line's (OOCL) has announced coming changes in its transpacific and Middle East services to "improve schedule reliability and expand market coverage".
5.Brightoil plans to sell 15 oil tankers(VLCC, Aframax, Barge) and assets of Zhoushan port.
6.Chinese research vessel Dayang Yihao (Ocean No.1) departed from east China's Qingdao city on Tuesday, heading for northwest Pacific ocean for its 48th deep-sea mission,which aims to conduct a comprehensive survey about resource and environment in the seamount zone in northwest Pacific Ocean.
7.China's iron ore futures ended flat on Tuesday.The most active contract for September delivery remained unchanged at 488 yuan per ton. 
8.International technology group GEA signed a contract for its new transcritical CO2 industrial refrigeration technology, with P&O Cruises, part of Carnival Corporation & PLC, the world’s largest commercial cruise ship operator.

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