
Shipping bulletins on July 31,2018

1.Hong Kong has released its Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation that requires all ocean-going vessels to comply with the 0.5 per cent sulphur in fuel oil limit when visiting the port, from January 1, 2019.
2.Contamination in marine fuel that clogs and damages ship engines has been found in Singapore.And marine fuel from Singapore is also exported to southeast Asian countries and even to Hong Kong.The relative operators need to pay attention to this situation.
3.For the second quarter ended 30th June 2018, total volumes were 4.6% up from the same period last year said Orient Overseas (International) Limited. Total revenues increased by 4.0% to US Dollars 1,462.4 million.
4.Cargo ships from Chinese mainland boost Kaohsiung port.
5.China transported 23.21 billion tons of freight in the first half of the year, up 6.9 percent year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Transport on July 26. Ports above scale handled 6.54 billion tons of cargo during the same period of time, an increase of 2.4 percent.
6.Domestic spot steel prices inched up, as stocks declined much faster than previously expected amid a turnover in transaction. While iron ore market was on a roll as entire stocks remained high.
7.China said on Monday its dispatching of a rescue ship to the Nansha Islands shows its commitment to fulfilling its duty in the South China Sea. Dispatched by the Nanhai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, the Nanhaijiu 115 set sail for Zhubi Reef from Sanya, Hainan province, on Friday.
8.The city of Chongqing, one of China's four mega-cities under the direct administration of the central government, is seeking to play a bigger role in the shipping of the Yangtze River, a major waterway that links the landlocked western area with the eastern coasts. 

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