
Cosco takes delivery of third 20,000 TEU container ship

CHINA's Cosco Shipping Lines last week took delivery of its third 20,000-TEU class box ship, the Cosco Shipping Capricorn at Nantong Cosco KHI Ship Engineering (NACKS).
The ultra large container vessel (ULCV) is a sister ship of the previously delivered Cosco Shipping Aries and Cosco Shipping Leo. The Cosco Shipping Capricorn is the third of four 20,000 TEU containerships NACKS is building for Cosco Shipping Lines.
The ship has an overall length of 400 metres, moulded beam and depth of 58.6 and 30.7 metres and maximum deadweight of 197,000 tonnes.
In mid-July, Cosco Shipping Capricorn will serve on Cosco's Mediterranean route in Europe.

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