
Marine rescue drills held in Hangzhou Bay

A series of marine emergency drills were held yesterday off the northern coast of Hangzhou Bay, Jinshan District, by Shanghai Marine Rescue Coordination Center.
More than 30 organizations participated in the drills, which involved 20 different types of ships, two helicopters and over 230 marine personnel. The drills simulated seven emergency scenarios, including typhoon warning, ship collision, pollution treatment and fire control.
Participating crews took part in exercises that involved ensuring maritime construction projects and traffic during typhoon conditions. In another exercise, crews had to respond to a simulated collision between a workboat and a tanker carrying hazardous chemicals. In this latter scenario, crews had to "rescue" people who had fallen into the water while also containing a "fire" on the tanker and containing "chemicals" that were leaking into the sea.
The marine rescue coordination center dispatched rescue vessels and boats as well as helicopters with officers and volunteers on board to find and "save" people in the water. Meanwhile, other ships were sent to clean the pollution and put out the fire. A 200-meter-long oil fence was carried by two ships to contain the chemical spill.
According to the marine rescue center, the area where the drill was held has seen an increase in tanker traffic over recent years, with many such vessels carrying hazardous chemicals.

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