
German firm takes management of Chinese heavy-lift fleet

German marine transportation specialist United Heavy Lift has said it has taken the management of a new the newly built DP2 Deck Carrier Vessel, MV Zhi Xian Zhi Xing from Shanghai-based Zhixian Transportation. The German firm has also managed to secure management of several other heavy lifters.
As for the Zhi Xian Zhi Xing vessel, United Heavy Lift said the 26.000DWT vessel type with its unobstructed deck space of 6020sqm is built for the transportation of voluminous ro/ro cargo, in particular, large modules.
“Apart from having the largest deck off its class with 140 x 43m, it is also the only vessel type fitted with Dynamic Positioning 2. This feature will even allow the vessel to offer offshore feedering support, as well as float-over capabilities,” United Heavy Lift said.
In addition to the Deck Carrier, United Heavy Lift said it has become an Agent on behalf of GS-Pango International, the exclusive commercial Agent of Guangzhou Salvage and their fleet of Semi-Submersible Vessels.
The fleet includes four semi-submersible vessels ranging from 26.000 DWT up to 50.0000 DWT, all fitted with Dynamic Positioning.
“All vessels operate internationally and offer transportation of large floating cargo, such as rigs and vessels. Alike the Deck Carriers, the semi-submersible vessels are designed for the transportation of large ro/ro cargoes. This includes modules, reactors and large cranes,” UHL said.
“With the combined fleet, the strong in-house engineering and project management UHL together with GS-Pango International is able to offer their full support to the market, in particular to modular transportation projects,” the company added.

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