International Ship Management Industry Development Seminar Hold in Shanghai

On March 30, 2018 local time, the maritime and shipping people gathered in Shanghai Ocean Hotel to celebrate the Shanghai International Ship Management Association (SISMA) of Shanghai International Shipping Center Development& Promotion Organization was formally established.
What is shipping center? How to become a real international shipping center? That is not only have to see how many ships, how many cargo throughput, or the number of wharf construction, the core should to be seen whether shipping service industry developed enough and keep in world top level.

Ship Management is the core of Shipping service industry, it is a key, and is also a difficulty. Although we have the world's top large shipping fleet, but still lack of the real international and professional ship management company and senior personnel. Mr Li Duozhuo, Chairman of DingHeng Group said.
Based on the above reality and take this historical opportunity, Tai Chong Cheang ship, Greathorse ship management, Ding heng shipping and etc more than ten professional ship management companies registered and operated in Shanghai, jointly led by the Shanghai International Shipping Center Development& Promotion Organization to build up the SISMA to promote Chinses shipping management and Chinse shipping service industry developments.
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