
Maersk to increase rates as Chinese New Year approaches

MARKET leading Maersk Line has announced a new series of rate increases and peak season surcharges on the approach of the February 16 Chinese New Year holiday.
From Shanghai to Santos, Brazil the rate will rise to US$2,850 per TEU for freight of all kinds (FAK) from February 1 and from Singapore to Santos the rate will rise to $3,000 per TEU until further notice, but not beyond February 14.
This rate is inclusive of basic freight and rate, bunker adjustment factor (SBF) and subject the emergency risk surcharge (ERS), terminal handling charges (THC) and peak season surcharge (PSS).
The low sulphur surcharge (LSS) does not apply in this case, but cargo is subject to other applicable surcharges, including local charges and contingency charges.
Also wastepaper from Mediterranean port to the Far East will be subject to rate increases from February 1. From Algeciras to Chinese main ports, the rate will rise to $705 per FEU, from Valencia, $535 per FEU and from Piraeus, $600 to major China ports.
Maersk also announced peak season surcharges applicable to dry cargo from Pakistan to Madagascar with an extra charge of $360 per TEU as well as levying $230 per TEU extra for boxes from there to the Seychelles and Reunion from February 1 until further notice.
Other charges on cargo from Port Qasim to Toamasina will be $700 per TEU; from Port Qasim to Victoria, the surcharge will be $800 and the same from Port Qasim to Reunion.


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