
China's Shipbuilding Order Volume Ranks First in the World

China's Shipbuilding Order Volume Ranks First in the World

With the rebound of shipbuilding demand, global shipbuilding industry showed a clear recovery in 2017 after a serious depression in new shipbuilding orders in 2016. The global new shipbuilding orders presented an obvious increase which is nearly 200% higher than 2016. Among these orders, Chinese shipping companies still rank the first for winning new shipbuilding orders in the world.
Clarkson latest data shows that there are totally 23.22 million CGT for new shipbuilding orders in 2017 globally, which is 78.3% higher compared to 2016. This figure is slightly higher than the statistic of 23 million CGT predicted by Clarkson in September last year.
Among them, Chinese shipping companies won 426 shipbuilding orders with 91.9 million CGT, continuing to rank first in the world, which is closely followed by South Korean shipping companies with a total of 176 orders and 6.45 million CGT. In contrast, the third-ranked Japanese shipping companies only takes 98 orders with 1.99 million CGT, which has been lagged far behind by China and South Korea.
In terms of the contract value of new shipbuilding, China took 15.5 billion dollars, South Korea took 15.3 billion dollars and Japan took 3.2 billion dollars.
According to the latest statistics of IHSMarkit, China accounted for 41% of the total orders according to the statistics of ship tonnage, and it is the largest shipbuilding country in the world. South Korea and Japan separately ranked the second and third, accounting for 26.4% and 26.1% respectively. Among the container ship orders, China accounted for 51%, South Korea and Japan respectively accounted for 25% and 24%; for the bulk carrier orders, China accounted for 59%, Japan and South Korea separately accounted for 31% and 10%.

While in the field of oil tankers and LNG carriers, South Korea ranked first: in the field of oil tankers, South Korea accounted for 41%, China and Japan were 34% and 25% respectively; as for LNG carriers, South Korea accounted for 56%, Japan and China accounted for 28% and 16% respectively.


Sources: Xinde Marine News
Editor: Carrie Zhu

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