
The Second LNG ship of Queensland Curtis LNG Project Named

The Second LNG ship of Queensland Curtis LNG Project Named

The second LNG ship of Queensland Curtis LNG Project was named “Pan Americas” yesterday. The naming ceremony was held on 12 Jan 2018 at HuDong CSSC Shipyard. The project is a JV between CLNG (Cosco Shipping Energy & China Merchants JV), Teekay, Shell and CNOOC.
The ship has a capacity of 174,000 CBM with LOA 290 M. It is expected it will be in full operation by end of this month.

Drewry predicts that by 2020 China's annual total import of LNG will reach 45 million tons. In the next few years, COSCO SHIPPING Energy will take green energy as the key development direction of energy transportation, and focus on the overall upgrade of LNG business structure and strengthen the strategic cooperation with other large oil companies in China.

Sources: Xinde Marine News
Editor: Carrie Zhu

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