
Chinese Freighter Sank in Philippines Waters, 9 Crew Rescued

Chinese Freighter Sank in Philippines Waters, 9 Crew Rescued
The Central News Agency reported on January 3, a Chinese freighter, "JIN MING 16," tilted and sink in the waters of the Philippines due to bad weather. All 9 Chinese crew were rescued.

According to a report from the police of Central Philippine North Samar province, Chinese freighter "JIN MING 16" sent out a distress signal about 300 meters off the coast of Northern Samar on Jan 2 at noon. The local coast guard dispatched a rescue boat in the evening.

All 9 people were taken ashore, six from China Mainland, two from China Hong Kong and one from China Taiwan.
According to Xinde Marine News, 8 of all crew’s name are: Hans Febie, Xu xi, Yin Yui Q Jin, Lu Wei Long, Chen Xin Chuen, Lun Xi Long, Wunens Jin and Ho Sai Cheong.
According to the police report, a crew member said that "JIN MING 16" left China for Chile on December 12, 2017 and encountered bad weather on the way. The strong winds and waves bursted the vessel shell and the cabin and engine room flooded in mass waters. The ship lost power and rafted to Bang Buhan town waters. Till the morning of Jan 3, the deck of "JIN MING 16" had sunk into the sea and the hull continued tilting to the right.

Sources: Xinde Marine News
Editor: Carrie Zhu

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