
Hong Kong maritime industries looking ahead

Hong Kong maritime industries looking ahead to sustainable growth

There are various factors as to what make good shipping centres, and a panel at the Mare Forum in Hong Kong considered how to sustain growth in the city's maritime industry.
If you want to attract shipowners from another country, you need to provide what is missing in their home country, noted Aegean Shipmanagement ceo Apostolos Poulovassilis.
"For Greek owners what is important is stability, so if you can provide a stable business environment then I think this is the most important incentive," Poulovassilis said, giving the example that owners do not want to suddenly be slapped with unknown measures such as new taxes that will create an uneven playing field.
"I think this place combines factors which no other place can combine at least in this current shipping environment," said Watson Farley & Williams partner Christoforos Bisbikos.
"It seems that the god of shipping is playing in favour of Hong Kong," he quipped, alluding to the fact that finance is a very important factor.
"Finance is an important issue globally and Hong Kong is where China meets with the West," said Bisbikos, adding that its well-developed stock exchange would be attractive to international shipping players.



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