
Asian Logistics and Maritime Conference (ALMC) 2017


Asian Logistics and Maritime Conference (ALMC) will be opened on November 23, 2017. It is Asia's largest conference for logistics and maritime services users and providers. 
This year's ALMC will spotlight three important topics, including the Belt and Road Initiative, e-Commerce and smart logistics.
About 70 luminaries from the logistics and maritime sectors will speak at the conference to share their visionary ideas. ALMC is expected to attract about 2,000 industry experts from some 20 countries and regions to take part and explore business opportunities.

Some digests of the main forum are listed as following:
1.Belt and Road: Growth Engine Driving New Era for Global Trade.
China’s visionary Belt and Road Initiative is driving development and economic growth along new land and sea trade routes connecting Asia and Europe. How does the 'China+1' strategy of secondary locations place the ASEAN market and its connectivity under the spotlight? Is rapid rail development the true game changer? Leading logistics and maritime industry players envisage the prospects and challenges for the industry against the new outlook for regional development and market integration.
2. Digital Transformation and Smart Logistics: Industrial Revolution 'Virtually in the Clouds'.
As production becomes more and more sophisticated, with everything linked, the ‘Internet of Things’ is inevitably creating more complex supply chains, which require more innovative and advanced solutions. Self-organised logistics, automated cyber-systems, cloud computing, drone delivery, big data and ‘blockchain’ have become the new reality. If you haven’t come to grips with this future yet, you probably should – hearing from experts at the forefront of ground-breaking new technologies revolutionising the industry.
3. Delivering New World Order for Online Shopping.
E-commerce is booming with Asia at the forefront; predictably, with so many vast rural regions far from city shopping malls. From a logistics perspective, this presents great challenges and potentially great rewards. Why is cross-border logistics infrastructure so critical for e-commerce growth in ASEAN and other emerging markets? The fast-growing courier business and express postal services, along with efficiently managing ‘Reverse Logistics’ supply chain solutions for enhanced efficiency and customer service, are also among key issues addressed by expert panelists.
The conference will last from 23 to 24 this month. To see more details about the conference agenda,
please click the following picture. 



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