DMU Training ship, MV YU PENG has sailed almost half year from her maiden voyage departed from Dalian on 10th,May 2017.How about Yu Peng, how about DMU teacher and How about DMU students? These will be described by the photograph
Ceremony of Maiden Voyage:

Teaching and Learning on Bridge:

Teaching and Learning in Engine Room:

Drills on ship:

Spare time onboard:

Flag-raising on ship:

Alumni visit:

International Academic Exchange:

Sea Scenary:

Real man on sea:

Leader and teacher of DMU on ship:Professor Bai

DMU---Dalian Maritime University

Dalian Maritime University is a university located in Dalian, Liaoning of China. It is a key maritime institution under the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. It is recognized by the International Maritime Organization as the world's few "international reputation" one of the maritime academies.