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BIMCO Asia Shipping School, Hong Kong, 8-10 May 2019

Hong Kong, 8-10 May 2019

Click here for details and registration

BIMCO Asia Shipping School is a comprehensive shipping course on specific chartering subjects. The course is a unique blend of key principles on bills of lading, voyage and time chartering, laytime and demurrage, mixed with practical examples and case studies. The participants can subsequently enroll and participate in one of BIMCO's masterclasses, which is on an intermediate or advanced level.

Asia Shipping School uses case studies as a framework for our essential learning principles. You will explore how what you have learned applies to real world situations. All the case studies come with model answers, which will serve as a future guide for you to identify solutions and apply those solutions in your daily work subsequently. The case studies are done in teams so you can brainstorm solutions and share the workload.



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