
China – New Guidelines for 38 High Risk Collision Precaution Zones

Members and Assureds who have vessels bound for Chinese ports or transiting through coastal waters of China should note the China MSA’s new Guidelines for the Prevention of Collisions between Merchant Vessels and Fishing Vessels (“the Guidelines”).  

The Guidelines identify 38 sea areas designated as high-risk precaution zones for collisions involving merchant and fishing vessels, where shipping routes and fishing grounds overlap. The Guidelines contain detailed safety navigation advice, with emphasis being made on high levels of vigilance with enhanced bridge watchkeeping and lookout duties. The Guidelines are for vessels to conduct a collision risk assessment and make voyage plans that take particular features of fishing vessels in those areas into account, including keeping a minimum of two watch standers consistently on the bridge, amongst other measures. The Guidelines also set out the action to take to avoid a collision in these areas, including communications and lights to be used, and emergency rescue in case of a collision. 

For full details please refer to the Guidelines, which includes an English translation,here. The table of high-risk precaution zones can be accessed here

Members and Assureds are advised to follow the Guidelines and in the event of an incident or collision with a fishing vessel, they should immediately notify the Club for assistance and further guidance. 

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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